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a film by Riccardo Palladino

Legend has it that every lake worth of that name must have its monster. Somebody consider the monster as a threat to keep off, someone else recognizes in it an opportunity and starts to live with. Young Sharon lives there, around the beautiful Brasimone lake, in the Appennini mountains, near Bologna, where fascinating nature and futuristic industrialization coexist along an ambitious and unaware dream. Mountain life, seasons and recent Italian events cross each other, while onshore Brasimone lake they built a nuclear power plant, never working, yet...


Come si narra nelle antiche leggende c'è sempre un mostro ad agitare le acque di un lago. Chi lo considera una minaccia lo tiene a distanza, chi invece ci intravede un'opportunità comincia a conviverci. Attorno alle splendide acque montane del lago di Brasimone, nell'Appennino sopra Bologna, la piccola Sharon vive in un ambiente, in cui l'incantevole natura e la fantascientifica industrializzazione si sono incontrati in un inconsapevole e ambizioso sogno. La vita di montagna, le stagioni e le vicende della storia recente italiana, ruotano attorno alla costruzione di una centrale nucleare, mai entrata in funzione, per ora, dove si studia per un reattore di quarta generazione.


Sur les rives du lac artificiel de Brasimone, près de Bologne, le matériel d’archives s’entremêle aux images contemporaines du quotidien d’une petite fille dans son environnement. Entre nature délicieuse et industrialisation futuriste, le temps du film – décousu par les allers-retours et l’habile mélange de formats – semble suspendu, dans l’appréhension d’une reprise des activités d’une centrale nucléaire.



On the banks of the artificial lake of Brasimone, near Bologna, archival material is interwoven with contemporary images from the daily life of a young girl in her surroundings. Between delightful nature and futuristic industrialisation, time in the film – disjointed by the comings and goings and the clever mix of formats – seems to be suspended, in apprehension of the resumption of an industrial plant’s activities.





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